
Secured by design

Secured by Design

Secured by Design is the name of a crime-prevention initiative launched initially in 1989 by the Association of Chief Police Officers, and then re-launched in 1999 across the country. It supports the principles of ‘designing out crime’ and is backed by the Prime Minister, the Home Office Crime Reduction unit, the DETR and local government, as well as trade, industry and standards organisations.

The title covers a family of national police projects involving the design for new homes, refurbished homes, commercial premises and other police crime prevention projects.

It is primarily an initiative to encourage those involved in the housing industry to adopt crime prevention measures to assist in reducing the opportunity for crime and the fear of crime, creating a safer and more secure environment. Secured by Design supports one of the Government's key planning objectives - the creation of secure, quality places where people wish to live and work.

Secured by Design licensed company status is awarded to those companies producing security products, including doors and windows, which pass standards and tests nominated by the police service as "Police Preferred Specification".

It is important to realise that Secured by Design does not guarantee that a particular area will be crime-proof. It does however indicate that the site has been subject to a design process and improved level of security which, in the experience of the police service and other agencies, has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of crime and the fear of crime.


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Retrieved from : http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Secured_by_Design&oldid=458614375

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