
Economic history of the Greek diaspora

Economic history of the Greek diaspora

The Economic history of the Greek diaspora deals with the economic history of the Greek people during the period of the Greek diaspora especially, although not exclusively, during the occupation of Greece by the Ottoman Muslims from the time of the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 until the liberation form Muslim domination in the Greek War of Independence of 1822.


Phanariotes were members of those prominent Greek (including Hellenized families residing in Phanar the chief Greek quarter of Constantinople, where the Ecumenical Patriarchate is situated. Phanariots emerged as a class of moneyed ethnically Greek merchants (they commonly claimed noble Byzantine descent) in the latter half of the 16th century and went on to exercise great influence in the administration in the Ottoman Empire's Balkan domains in the 18th century.

These prosperous merchants included the Greek millionaire of the Ottoman era, Michael Cantacuzenos, who earned 60.000 ducats a year from his control of the fur trade from Muskovy; he was eventually executed on the Sultan's order.


Retrieved from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_history_of_the_Greek_diaspora

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